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Replay webinar

Patol’s Securiton ADW Line type pressurised air heat detection (EN54-22 Approved) | CPD
Rewatch the webinar with Steve Wilder, Senior Account Manager at Patol
Wednesday 5th April 2023

Applications, strengths and principles of operation

CPD Certification

CPD certification for archived webinars is down to the discretion of the speaker. Please contact them to enquire about certification.

Over 100 hours of fire safety education and conversation at your fingertips

Our past sessions are available to rewatch at your leisure. Our webinar archive contains over 80 webinars covering a wide range of topics within fire safety. 

On Change, Myths & Disruption: Learning from the Grenfell Tower Fire

On Change, Myths & Disruption: Learning from the Grenfell Tower Fire

Dynamic Signage – Why Compliance Isn’t Good Enough

Dynamic Signage – Why Compliance Isn’t Good Enough

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