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Replay webinar

High Rise Fire Safety – The Essentials of Class A Decking on Balconies | CPD
Rewatch the webinar with Richard McMullan, Head of Business Development at MyDek
Friday 13th November 2020
  • Approved document B and key legislation points
  • Recent government advice notes and recommendations
  • EN13501 classifications, what they mean and why they are important
  • Responsibilities for building owners in relation to legislation
  • Innovative access solutions
  • The MyDek system, product overview, testing and quality procedures

CPD Certification

CPD certification for archived webinars is down to the discretion of the speaker. Please contact them to enquire about certification.

Over 100 hours of fire safety education and conversation at your fingertips

Our past sessions are available to rewatch at your leisure. Our webinar archive contains over 80 webinars covering a wide range of topics within fire safety. 

Why you should consider the safe storage of lithium batteries

Why you should consider the safe storage of lithium batteries

Fire and Escape Doors | CPD

Fire and Escape Doors | CPD

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