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Replay webinar

Busting Perceptions: PEEPs in General Needs Buildings | CPD
Rewatch the webinar with Elspeth Grant, Director at Triple A Solutions
Wednesday 8th February 2023
  • A case study of the implementation of Personal Emergency Evacuation Planning (PEEPs) in general needs accommodation that destroys the myth that no one has implemented PEEPs in this environment before.
  • The case study encompasses organisational strategic planning; structural enhancements and the delivery of cost-effective PEEPs for residents and visitors in a general needs environment.

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Over 100 hours of fire safety education and conversation at your fingertips

Our past sessions are available to rewatch at your leisure. Our webinar archive contains over 80 webinars covering a wide range of topics within fire safety. 

Introduction to BS5839 Parts 1 & 6 | CPD

Introduction to BS5839 Parts 1 & 6 | CPD

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Is fire safety ready for electric vehicles?

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