It’s common knowledge in fire safety circles that wedging doors open is wrong. So you might ask, “Why is this blog ...
Tag: dorgard
James Wheeler shares his personal experience of having COVID-19 and his viewpoint on how to prevent COVID-19 from spreading by improving ventilation.
The year 2020 has been filled with a lot of uncertainty and concern, but equally full of hope and achievements. Read our blog to see what we've been up to...
We have a range of hardware to help you improve accessibility and prevent dangerous door wedging. Here you’ll find ...
Since the launch of Dorgard 25 years ago, we have introduced two more versions offering you different levels of fire safety compliance so you can ditch the door wedge!
What was once a small business originating in Brighton, has expanded to selling its products worldwide. Read our story on how we got here!
Fireco ShopBuy your fire safety systems through our webshopJump to:Fireco ProductsDorgardA wireless fire door ...
We are pleased to announce that we have been working with fire door manufacturers in order to gain Primary Test Certification on a range of Fireco products.
Closed fire doors save lives but they can get in the way. What solutions are there to improve access for everyone?
In 1994 our chairman Neil Purssey invented the first wireless hold-open device for fire doors. Dorgard reacted to the sound of a fire alarm to automatically close the door. It did that then and it does that now.
Every time a fire door is wedged open, a fairy dies. A closed fire door policy doesn't work as people wedge doors open. This means they are useless in a fire.
A safe and legal solution to wedged open doorsWhat is Dorgard Pro?Dorgard Pro is a fire door retainer which holds ...