In 1994 our chairman Neil Purssey invented the first wireless hold-open device for fire doors. Dorgard reacted to the sound of a fire alarm to automatically allow the door to close. It did that then and it does that now.
Dorgard keeps fire doors open for convenience, and closes them in an emergency for safety. Fire doors need to be closed to prevent the spread of smoke and fire, so Dorgard keeps people protected, and businesses compliant with fire regulations.
Dorgard is simple, convenient and it works. Like all successful products, it has been copied many times over the years. Copies are never as good as the original. Those that merely copy don’t have the expertise to develop and improve upon their products as they didn’t have to come up with the idea in the first place. We discussed this very topic with Dorgard Pro.
Dorgard was our idea, and over the years we have continued to listen, learn and grow. We have used our extensive fire safety knowledge and experience to create new fire safety solutions. Freedor is a free swing door closer that holds fire doors open, but also takes the weight out of heavy doors. Dorgard Pro has a transmitter that can be connected to any fire alarm system so it can be radio-activated. Deafgard and DMS alert deaf and hard of hearing people when a fire alarm sounds.
Our latest innovation, Dorgard SmartSound, has the best listening technology on the market. It already knows the sound of your fire alarm so doesn’t need any programming, and it won’t be triggered by the sound of the vacuum cleaner.
We know about fire safety and we know about the technology that makes Dorgard work. Close to one million fire doors are already kept safe with our products and we’ll continue to innovate to make sure our products remain the best on the market.
Fireco. We make compliance easy
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Good afternoon,
We have many (10) of your Dorgard SmartSound door retainers on the doors within our school.
Our fire alarm is tested every week. Unfortunately, one of the Dorgard SmartSounds is not releasing on the sound of the fire alarm, and has been like this for 3 consecutive weeks now. I have changed the batteries, but this appears not to have made any difference.
I have also been trying to find if there is a way of adjusting the sensitivity. At times, this particular Dorgard SmartSound will operate when children simply walk past making a noise or when someone is in the toilet drying there hands on the electric hand dryer, next to this door!
Also, the nearest fire alarm bell is probably less than a metre away from this door.
Could really do with some advice please?
Thank you
John Burke
Queens Drive Infant School
Hi John,
Thanks for getting in touch. We have a user guide available that gives instructions on how to change the sensitivity on the units, Please follow this link –
If you need further assistance you can contact our customer service team on 01273 320650
Our recent fire officer inspection states The type of hold open device fitted to the fire doors in several locations are not a suitable devices to ensure a fire door closes in a safety critical location, as ti si not directly connected ot the buildings fire
alarm system. This could compromise the evacuation strategy of the premises.
This is contrary to Articles 8(1) and 14(2)(b).
Fire doors leading onto escape routes and escape stairs should be self-closing. If doors need to be held open, the hold open device fitted should be linked directly to the premises fire alarm system and should fail safe to close.
British Standard BS 7273-4 details an acceptable standard. We have had Dorguards for years as do all local hotels . Am I contravening Article 8(1) and 14(2) (b) bunhavinf dorguards on fire doors separating zone s?