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What does compliance look like?

Fire safety is often overlooked as, luckily, fires don’t happen all the time. Companies who don’t have the right precautions in place are more likely to lose stock, property and even their business. In the worst circumstances, lives can be lost.

There is always the possibility of a fire. But the risk can be reduced if you comply with fire regulations and the correct preventative measures are in place.

What does complying with fire regulations look like?

Clear corridors. This makes for an easy escape, and improves access for firefighters.

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Fire exits clearly signed. This is so people can escape quickly and without confusion.

Emergency fire doors in the main hall of a modern secondary school.

Evacuation plans are up to date.



Emergency doors open easily.

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So, compliance looks clear, simple and safe. You don’t need us to tell you the following are anything but.

Climbing over things to reach the alarm if there’s a fire.


Directing people to escape a fire through the window.

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Placing fire extinguishers somewhere that makes them difficult to find.

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Nothing to hold your fire door open safely? I guess this brick will do…

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These are just a few examples; some more ridiculous than others, but all avoidable. There are lots of simple ways for you to provide a safe and compliant environment.

(Photo source: Richard Baker, www.parklodge.org.uk)

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