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Notifying Fire Marshals at the School of Life and Sciences with DMS

The customer

The School of Life Sciences (SLS) is part of Dundee University and has around 700 members of staff from across the world.

The award-winning school uses state-of-the-art laboratories, technology and teaching facilities to carry out scientific research.



Customer requirements

Notify Fire Marshals across the whole site
Product provided
Digital Messaging Service (DMS)
"We like DMS because it was easy to install and easy to set people up to receive alerts. We would recommend DMS to other academic institutions."
SLS Safety Team
The School of Life Sciences


Problematic pagers

Before using DMS, the School of Life Sciences were using a pager system to notify Fire Marshals when the fire alarms were activated. The SLS Safety Team at the School explained, “The main problem we were having was that the pager system only notified people within a certain range. This created a lack of warning for the Fire Marshals as they weren’t getting enough notice or no notice at all.”

A Fire Marshal is responsible for evacuating people during a fire drill, as well as emergency procedure planning and fire prevention. This means it is vital that they are notified when a fire alarm is going off. “The Fire Marshals could not respond appropriately or quickly to emergency situations or alarm activations”.

the solution

Empowering the Fire Marshals

The SLS Safety Team started looking into alternative systems that could notify their Fire Marshals more efficiently.

Fireco’s Digital Messaging Service seemed like a good option for the School because it can notify subscribers anywhere in the world, the range is not limited. The unlimited coverage provided by Digital Messaging Service was an important deciding factor for the team.

The Fire Marshals at the School of Life Sciences have benefitted from the installation of DMS in their building. The SLS Safety Team are pleased with the product because “all Fire Marshals are now aware of the fire alarm activations in all parts of the complex.”

This means that if a fire were to break out in the building, the Fire Marshals can be reactive and take the appropriate actions to keep the staff, students and school safe from fire.

Find out more about Digital Messaging Service (DMS) here

DMS (Digital Messaging Service) is a mass notification system that can send emergency text, email, WhatsApp, voice message or Fireco InSite App notifications to an unlimited amount of users who are subscribed to the service. This could be used for pre-alarm notifications and evacuation alerts.

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