The Safety Centre
Business booming for fire safety supplier
Customer requirements
“There’s a challenge with such high numbers of people populating the building,” says Paul Musselwhite, Komedia MD. “Safe movement is essential as they move through the corridors and get up during intervals in shows to use the facilities or go to the bar.”
Paul and his team decided that having Dorgard Pro installed would improve customer movement and alleviate potential safety issues.
the solution
“We’ve found that having Dorgards in place takes a lot of responsibility away from the staff having to man doors, and if there was a fire evacuation it just gives you that peace of mind that those fire doors are going to be shut safely. It also allows for better movement throughout the building at the crunch points. Our building is a bit of a rabbit warren with lots of doorways and corridors, so having Dorgard Pro has helped massively.”
Dorgard Pro is a fire door retainer which holds open fire doors legally, allowing them to automatically close when an alarm is activated.
Dorgard Pro is controlled by ProHub, which is directly connected to the fire alarm panel. As this requires professional installation, Dorgard Pro is exclusively available to professional installers. We’ll recommend an installer in your area.
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