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Fireco is a proud member of FIMA

We are pleased to be members of the Fire Industry Manufacturers Alliance (FIMA).

FIMA is an alliance that unites manufacturers who work in the fire industry and have compliance certification. This alliance is in place to help customers make informed purchasing decisions in the knowledge that they are choosing products that are compliant. 

FIMA encourages all members to work towards integrating product ranges so that the customer finds it even easier to choose a fire safety system.

“I am excited that the industry’s leading manufacturers are uniting to provide customers with a complete solution. Compliance is at the forefront of everything we do, from manufacturing to testing and certifying our products with other brands. FIMA will allow us to build partnerships with other companies to make compliance even easier.”

James Wheeler, Chief Commercial Officer

For more information about FIMA, visit their website https://www.fima.uk/

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